The Council of Europe (CoE), CPDP Conferences and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) invite you to celebrate Data Protection Day with a special edition of CPDP, taking place on 28 January 2025 in the European Commission's "Charlemagne" building, Brussels, and online.

When: 28 January 2025

European Commission's Charlemagne building
Rue de la Loi 170
1040 Brussels, Belgium

How: In-person and online

Registration will open on 4 November 2024

About CPDP Data Protection day

To mark Data Protection Day (28 January), the Council of Europe (CoE), CPDP Conferences and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) are co-organising a one-day event focused on exploring the current and future landscape of data protection. The CPDP - Data Protection Day event takes place on 28 January as a celebration of the opening for signature in 1981 of Convention 108, the first legally binding international instrument to protect privacy in the digital age. While celebrating this historical milestone, this conference serves as a platform for discussing the challenges and opportunities at the intersection between emerging technologies and privacy risks, as well as between innovation and regulatory frameworks.

The programme

A new mandate for data protection ?

This year, CPDP - Data Protection Day arrives at a pivotal moment, as new EU political mandates begin to shape the policy landscape, with the recent election of the European Parliament and subsequent appointment of a new European Commission. These changes coincide with the new mandates of the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights and the European Data Protection Supervisor. At the same time, new technological developments in areas such as Artificial Intelligence and neuroscience bring new challenges to the right to the protection of personal data and other fundamental rights. Age-old challenges, such as access to data for law enforcement and national security purposes remain, high on the political agenda. During the 2025 edition of CPDP - Data Protection Day we invite participants to reflect and discuss on the evolving mandate of data protection, particularly its essential role as safeguard of our democratic society against excessive intrusions in citizens' privacy by public or private actors.

